Monday, April 25, 2011

Stalking Coincidence


The characters of this story are based on the members of JYJ: Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu. This is strictly fan fiction. I do not own JYJ or any of the characters in the story relating to them. The plot and theme of the story is mine, any distribution and use of these ideas without my consent is considered plagiarism. Please do not use any of my ideas to gain profit. This fan fiction is for entertainment purposes only. Thank you.

***NOTE: Thank you for all the comments you gave on the previous chapter. I hope you like this new one. ^_^

The Nightfall Hunter: Entwined Souls
Stalking Coincidence

            Micky stared at the open briefcase on his lap filled with cash and smiled at the reward of his hard work. He took out a set of hundred dollar bills and ran his thumb on each one. Twenty five million dollars was hardly enough for him, but he needed the extra money for some unplanned traveling. He was thinking of going to Europe or maybe somewhere tropical this month, and this job paid just enough to cover his pricey needs.

             He was sitting on an old leather chair in a small dusty room with walls covered in green flaking wallpaper. Shelves lined up on either side that displayed eccentric human statuettes and antique animal figurines. Frames of tasteless Venice paintings hung next to shaded windows, illuminated by dangling dimmed lights. And several powerfully built men in tacky business suits stood lazily around him—all armed. 

The room was located inside an abandoned building six floors above the ground. It was a temporary meeting place for small business deals that needed discreet handling—and by discreet it meant illegal.

A man sat behind a dark mahogany desk across from Micky. His name was Max Tasumaru, Micky’s current employer, and a notorious half-Japanese black market dealer who makes his fortune by trading priceless artifacts from all over the world. Micky didn’t like him, but he was the highest bidder among his contacts. 

The man raised his thick eyebrows, questioning Micky’s approval. “That’s the amount you asked for,” he said, pointing his lit tobacco on the briefcase. “It’s your turn to deliver.”

A half-smile crossed Micky’s face as he lifted a large black bag next to his seat and handed it to Tasumaru’s brawny assistant, who he recalled was named Monk. He was over six feet tall with a tattooed bald head and a large black earring on his left ear. 

            Tasumaru grinned widely. “I knew hiring you wasn’t a mistake,” he said with a delighted laugh as Monk placed the bag on the table. His excitement was evident on his shaky fingers as he unzipped the container, and his eyes shone with wonder at the sight of the treasure he had always wanted. Inside, glistening in pure gold was the death mask of Tutankhamen. It was a precious artifact displayed in the highly-secured Egyptian Museum in Cairo. 

Tasumaru took out the mask and weighed it in his hands. “This is truly as remarkable as they say.”

            “I heard it costs more than three hundred million dollars,” Micky said. “Maybe I should have asked for a bigger price.”

           Tasumaru laughed again, but the moment he saw Micky’s humorless expression, his smile disappeared. He took his tobacco to his mouth and puffed out thick smoke, adding a dingy scent into the musty atmosphere. “Don’t get greedy with me boy,” he said. “Do you know what happens to people who get greedy with me?”

            Micky glanced quickly around the room. “Let me guess,” he said as he took a brief assessment of his surroundings. There were nine armed men standing on either side of Tasumaru. He recalled two more were guarding the door when he came in. The last one was right behind him, making sure he wouldn’t cause any trouble. “You kill them.”

            Tasumaru laughed. “Smart boy.”

            Micky knew that men like Tasumaru had the kind of ego fed by power and control. They normally assume that the number of armed bodyguards they possess made them invincible, making any form of negotiation impossible. But as he ran his thumb on the bills again and listened to the sound of the paper hitting the other, he instantly understood what a real snake the man truly was. He brought the cash to his nose and sniffed. Tasumaru raised a brow at him.

             “Do you know what happens to people who pay me counterfeit money?” Micky said with a deadly glare in his eyes. 

            Tasumaru smiled. “You don’t scare me boy,” he said with a snort. He raised two fingers at Monk, and the man pulled out his gun.

            “That’s what they all thought at first,” Micky said, pushing the briefcase on to the floor. He ripped the paper that held the bills together and threw the bundle into the air. It scattered in the room like large confetti. He spun out from his seat and ran to his right leaving nothing but a blurred trail. His fingers reached into the cuff of his sleeve, taking out three thin throw knives and tossed it in one corner of the room. Three men sprawled dead on the floor with a blade piercing through their skulls.

            “Kill him!” Tasumaru yelled. 

Micky kicked a shelf, knocking it down as he pushed his body on the wall and ran to another henchman. He pulled the man’s coat over his head and took the dagger from his belt, stabbing him twice with it.  He swirled to the left, tracking his feet on the wallpaper as he ran towards the door, slicing the two guards on the neck. He grabbed their handguns before they dropped on the floor and then he back flipped on to the leather seat, shooting two more men on his sides. He pressed his foot on the backrest of the chair tilting it diagonally and keeping it balanced with his other foot. He spun the seat with his legs like a man on a surfboard and pulled the trigger, shooting five more men that surrounded him. He stopped facing Tasumaru and before Monk could even shoot him, Micky planted a bullet between his eyes and he dropped dead in an instant. 

“Are you scared now?” Micky said with a smirk as he aimed his gun at Tasumaru.

The man looked like he was about to pee his pants as he stared at Micky with wide eyes. His face drained to a pasty white hue and his forehead was beaded with sweat. He held his arms up to Micky. “D-don’t shoot!” he said in a quivering voice.

Micky’s jaw clenched. “I want my money.”

“Okay, okay,” Tasumaru said. “But I don’t have it here.”

“I’m not gonna say it again!” Micky yelled, sending Tasumaru trembling on his seat.

“The money is in my car! There’s a hundred million dollars in there, you can take it!”

Micky’s lips formed a thin line as he tried to suppress a laugh. “Glad to know you can be reasoned with.” He brought his guns to his side and stepped off the chair. “Put the mask back in the bag.”

Tasumaru’s eyes grew wider. “What?”

Micky let out an impatient sigh and pressed a gun on Tasumaru’s head. The man’s eyes welled up with tears. His hands shook as he unwillingly lifted the Egyptian mask and zipped it back inside the bag. “Good boy,” Micky said patting Tasumaru’s head with the weapon. He inserted his arm on the container’s handle and carried it away from the man. “I’ll be taking this.”

“But we had a deal,” Tasumaru said.

Micky turned and walked across the room. “You know it’s not really smart to argue with someone holding a gun,” he said, skipping over the dead bodies on the floor. “Especially when you’ve double-crossed him. Now I have to get rid of some evidence.” Micky looked over his shoulder, raised his arm and pulled the trigger, sending a bullet to Tasumaru’s heart. The man crumbled dead on his desk.

Micky tossed the guns on the floor and grabbed the open briefcase filled with fake money. He scattered the contents on the bodies and pulled out a lighter from his pocket, flicking it on and hurling it to the floor. Soon, the papers caught on fire. He stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him. Then his body disappeared into the air as he ran downstairs and reached the ground floor in less than a minute. When he exited the building, he looked up seeing the room he had been to. Orange light filtering through the shades blazed against the dark night along with heavy smoke leaking through unsealed window gaps. 

Echoing police sirens mixed with the murmured sounds of the city sent a clear warning and compelled Micky to hurry. And just as he was about to head for Tasumaru’s car, a faint gunshot resounded from a dark alley next to the abandoned building. A few seconds later, a strong gust of wind blew on his face and he caught sight of a blurred image passing by. His eyes followed its direction and saw that it was a man. His light copper blonde hair flailed into the air like a candle flame as he ran at a speed that only Micky can keep up with.


***NOTE: Thank you again for reading this story. This is the first part of the chapter. How do you like the story so  far?  The second part will be posted on this page soon. The second part is posted on my personal blog here: Stalking Coincidence pt 2 Don't forget to leave me a comment and tell me what you think. For continuous updates on this story or if you have any questions, you can follow me on Twitter by clicking the Follow me logo on top of the sidebar. Thank you. ^_^ 

Thank you again to the JYJ Family in Twitter for supporting this fan fiction. ^_^ JYJ Fighting!



  1. When will you have the next episode? Its been a long wait. Loving it so far. Hope to read more soon.

  2. woa.....i can't wait for the next chapter...please update soon....i really love it now

  3. please update soon! love it!

  4. Pls update ASAP. The best fanfic I've read so far^^!!!!
